An artwork from Public Art in Ystad
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Foto Markus Fägersten

Foto Markus Fägersten


Lindström, Marie (1954-)
3.5 m
Västerleden 9-11, in the Hvita Briggen 2 quarter, at the entrance of the old prison

When the new residential area around Ystad’s old prison was completed, a competition was announced for a piece of public art for the site. Artist Marie Lindström won with her proposal for a sculpture that she christened Patience-Friendliness-Understanding. The title refers to the three basic principles that applied during Pax Romana, a two-hundred-year period of peace in the Roman Empire between 27 BCE-180 CE. These principles, considered Marie Lindström, were needed in order for people to thrive in a new residential area. The sculpture’s trinity symbolises these rules for living. At the entrance to the old prison, known locally as “Den vita briggen” (The White Brig), the sculpture stretches its three powerful arms in red Vånga granite towards the sky. In the centre is a night illumination that highlights the artwork after dark. The sculpture was unveiled in 1991.

Marie Lindström was educated in painting and sculpture at Forum in Malmö 1974-1981. She also studied at Accademia di belle arti in Florence. She has taken many courses over the years in order to enhance her stonemasonry skills. Large, powerful granite sculptures have become something of a distinguishing feature for Marie Lindström’s work. In Skåne, her works can be seen at places such as Malmö, Lomma, Landskrona, Östra Göinge and Lund.